Ebook The Syntax Workbook: A Companion to Carnie's Syntax (Introducing Linguistics)By Andrew Carnie
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The Syntax Workbook: A Companion to Carnie's Syntax (Introducing Linguistics)By Andrew Carnie
Ebook The Syntax Workbook: A Companion to Carnie's Syntax (Introducing Linguistics)By Andrew Carnie
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The Syntax Workbook was written as a response to the students and instructors who, over the years, have requested more problem sets that give greater experience in analyzing syntactic structure. Aligned chapter-by-chapter with Carnie’s bestselling textbook, this workbook provides over 120 new exercises on all of the major topics in generative syntax.
- An all-new workbook to accompany the bestselling syntax textbook, Syntax: A Generative Introduction, which answers the need for a practical text in this field
- Features over 120 problem sets with answers, designed to give students greater experience of analyzing syntactic structure
- Exercises and topics covered includes phrase structure, the lexicon, Case theory, ellipsis, auxiliaries, movement, covert movement, locality conditions, VP shells, and control
- Supported by expanded online student and instructor resources, including extra chapters on HPSG, LFG and time-saving materials for lecturers, including problem sets, PowerPoint slides, and an instructors’ manual
- Structured to reflect the style and chapter-by-chapter coverage of the textbook, but its practical, reader-friendly layout also makes it suitable for use as a stand-alone Workbook
- Sales Rank: #160694 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-06-21
- Released on: 2012-06-21
- Format: Kindle eBook
Amazon.com Review
More to Explore: See More Syntax Resources
Title Syntax The Syntax Workbook A Generative Introduction A Companion to Carnie's Syntax Guide Type Textbook Workbook Audience Level Undergraduate Undergraduate Pages 544 192 List Price $49.95 $34.95 Publication Date August, 2012 August, 2012 Author(s) Andrew Carnie Andrew Carnie Imprint Wiley-Blackwell Wiley-Blackwell Print Book 0470655313 1118347544 Kindle Book B0093A421Q B008H2P4UO Edition 3 1 Brief Description An extensively updated new edition of the bestselling introduction to theoretical syntax. A response to those who requested more problem sets in the textbook. Aligned chapter-by-chapter with the text, it can also be used as a standalone workbook.
From the Back Cover
Written as a companion to the bestselling textbook, Syntax: A Generative Introduction, this workbook features over 120 new exercises in a format that corresponds to each chapter of the textbook. Students and instructors alike consistently point to the need for more exercises than can be provided in a single volume; this Workbook expands upon those in the textbook to give students more practice at mastering the concepts discussed. The provision of end-of-chapter answers makes The Syntax Workbook especially useful for self-study.
The exercises and topics covered include phrase structure, the lexicon, Case theory, ellipsis, auxiliaries, movement, covert movement, locality conditions, VP shells, and control. A website at www.wiley.com/go/carnie includes additional resources that can be accessed, including further exercises, links for further reading, and extra material on HPSG and LFG. This website supports the third edition of Carnie’s Syntax: A Generative Introduction as well as this workbook.
About the Author
Andrew Carnie is Professor of Linguistics and Faculty Director in the Graduate College at the University of Arizona. He specializes in generative syntactic theory with an emphasis on constituency, VSO languages, copular constructions and Celtic languages. He is the author of numerous other publications, including Irish Nouns (2008), Constituent Structure (2010), Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics (2011), Modern Syntax (2011), and Syntax: A Generative Introduction, Third Edition (2013).
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